TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

26 July, 2016

Twin Rivers Waterfall

The source of the splendid Twin Rivers Waterfall originates from the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The Twin Rivers Waterfall is located at the confluence of two tributaries, the Great River and the Goldsborough River, which is on the East Coast between the villages of Goodwood and Pembroke. Hence, the name Twin Rivers. The hike to Twin Rivers Waterfall begins on Cow Farm Road, which turns left after Goodwood high school before the bridge, next to the Rainbow Nature Resorts, where vehicles can be parked. There is the option to visit Rainbow Waterfall, a shorter hike with a small fee attached. Hiking upstream to the Twin Rivers Waterfall along the stony Goldsborough river bed will take approximately forty minutes.  

The journey to the top of the falls begins at the junction, where the two rivers join on the steep and challenging trail, which is not recommended for the inexperienced hiker. The river is wide and shallow and the walk continues for the most part on gravel and small rocks, forming an easy walkway. Taking the tributary on the right, the valley closes in with more varied vegetation. At this point, the slippery rocks seem to slow you down, while testing your balance. Around the river's sharp turn, the magnificent falls stand welcoming. 

The falls in its entirety is very high but is broken into a series of smaller falls. The landscape's natural staircase of the falls makes it unique and tempting to explore the secret pools and waterfalls located at the top of the watercourse. Below rests a deep cool pool offering fun and entertainment for those who venture in. Take time here to enjoy the scenery, the sun and the tropical rain-forest all around. It's a hiker's delight splashing and swimming in the crystal-clear waters of this seemingly unexplored land. For those adrenaline junkies, climbing the rocks around the pools should supply that rush. 

Return via the same route down the river. Be sure to use the track and take the right turn at the huge Samaan trees to get back to the river and thereafter the parking area. For the bold explorer, there is one deviation from the outward journey, an opportunity to swim Tobago’s own gorge. Continuing along the river past the track entered on, the river narrows and passes between high rocks with a channel of some six feet in width. The river here is deep and has to be swum. (Non-swimmers beware as this route may not be for you). A short distance away is one of Tobago's beautiful gorges.

Certainly an indelible trip!!!!

Fun Fact: Over 230 species of birds, 25 of which are known only to Tobago, making it one of the best places to view birds in the Caribbean. 

15 July, 2016

Argyle Waterfall

At 175 feet (54 meters), Argyle Waterfall is Tobago’s highest waterfall. Situated on the North-Eastern coast, Argyle Waterfall is just outside Roxborough, on the Scarborough road, which is a few hundred metres from the route to Bloody Bay. These breathtaking falls that tumble down a rocky course into three cascading cliffs, attract visitors and locals alike to its cool, crisp waters.

The journey consisting of a twenty minute nature walk, begins at the Roxborough Service Co-op Facility, that serves as the entrance, off the Windward Road. Here, a mandatory entrance fee and an optional tour guide fee can be paid, while the blue-crowned Motmot birds provide entertainment at the edge of the car park.

Along the marked trail encircled and shaded by lush green foliage, visitors are greeted by large, brightly coloured butterflies, an array of birds and the thunderous sounds of the gushing waterfall. At the first level, the pool at the base of the waterfall is wide and inviting for a mellow, relaxing time. To reach the second level, a hike up a bushy path can be taken from the right side of the first cascade through the thick hovering mist over the landscape. And if the trail gets a bit too muddy there are ropes tied to the trees for support to hoist up the incline. The second level has a small plateau that pours water into several natural rock tubs where visitors can sit and experience a beautiful view of down below. On the ascent to the top level, the real splendor of the Argyle Waterfall is seen. Though the smallest, the top level is the deepest with the full force of falls gushing down. These deep cool pools are ideal for swimming and diving from the swing into the water from the vines. This can truly be a thrilling experience!

A alternative route can be taken from the Windward Road to access the Rainbow Falls via a twenty minute hike through the forest. Two other Tobago waterfalls that may also interest visitors are the Castara Waterfall and the Parlatuvier Waterfall, both of which are found on the island’s west, or Leeward, coast.

Have you ever been? Tell us your experience.

14 July, 2016

Englishman's Bay

A classic crescent nestled into a natural bay capped by two forest-clad headlands descending from Tobago's Main Ridge, Englishman's Bay is widely regarded as one of Tobago's hidden jewels. 

Although this may not initially be considered to be your typical adventure trail, the adventures to encounter at this location are limitless. From the beautiful coral reef, alive with tropical fishes, to the gleaming sandy beach lined with almond and coconut trees, to the mountain stream connecting to the sea on the southern end and tumbling waterfalls, past giant bamboo and the great Silk Cotton tree, on to the rainforest housing hundreds of species of birds and butterflies, down to flowering vines and exotic plants, Englishman's Bay is the epitome of paradise.

Approaching Englishman's Bay
 Located between the fishing villages of Castara and Parlatuvier on Tobago's Leeward coast, approximately fifty minutes drive from Scarborough or an hour's drive East of Crown Point, Englishman's Bay is a spectacularly secluded beach. A rugged dirt road about two to three minutes off the main road takes you to Englishman's Bay surrounded by lush verdant foliage that shades the beach. 

The slightly course sandy stretch begins immediately after the forest ends and slopes down to meet the sea with its year-round calm aquamarine waters that swell a bit with higher tides during the November to January period. Directly behind the beach, Englishman's Bay River converges with Rockly River, to separate the beach from a patch of woodland between the beach and the road. This amazing setting boasts of fun-filled activities like swimming, snorkeling at either end of the beach or simply a relaxing day at the beach with a restaurant and bar plus vendors at the entrance.

Englishman’s Bay hidden-away atmosphere is sure to be relished by nature lovers and those seeking a suitable location for that desired escape. This location is definitely worth visiting. Have you been? Share your experience.


Hanna, N., 2000, The World's Best Beaches, London Sunday Times, Nov. 5

13 July, 2016

Rio Seco Falls

Approaching Rio Seco Falls through the forest
Rio Seco which is Spanish for ‘Dry River’ is located opposite Salybia Beach, immediately after the Matura Village, on Trinidad’s North-Eastern coast. It can be considered a misnomer that this prolific river with a bountiful source is characterized as dry. At the rivers upper course however, the bed is composed of porous limestone where the water submerges to leave some areas dry. Beyond the falls on the mouth of one of its tributaries, a sulfur spring awaits, in which the sedimentary rocks ooze yellow sulfur. Thereafter, two kilometers before the river reaches the sea there is a confluence, where Rio Seco flows into the larger Salybia River to exit at Saline Bay.

On the banks of Rio Seco Falls
An ideal spot to sit back and relax on the banks of the rejuvenating waters, the stunning landscape of the Rio Seco Falls is irresistible to any explorer! The forty minutes hike to the falls begins at the wide open trail situated at the top of the river-bank, which is shaded by the canopy of the rainforest. Large tree roots cross the footpath that continues beyond two shallow streams to eventually meet the entrance of the falls, filled with the echo of the bell-bird's call.

Rio Seco's magnificent Plunge Pool
The bands of rocks encompass the waterfall to create a peaceful sanctuary, while the forestry outfitted with the lofty Mora Trees enhance the elegant scenery. At the top of the falls, the water flows through a narrow entrance to cascade on the rocks into an invigorating pool. The magnificent basin, reflecting the vibrant shades of emerald green, appeals to the nature lover, who also has the option to mount around the sides of the falls and take the ever-refreshing fifteen feet plunge. What an experience!

Sobo Waterfalls

The picturesque Sobo Falls is located in the village of Brasso Seco. Brasso Seco's cultivated landscape with cocoa, coffee and citrus and its lush, green forestry offer a sanctuary for a diverse species of birds like toucans, bell-birds, hummingbirds, honey-creepers, tanagers, trogons and manikins. The warm and inviting atmosphere beckons visitors to come and explore this magnificent landscape.

 A moderate 40-50 minutes trek begins at Brasso Seco Village's Center and proceeds into the forest through the cocoa and coffee estates along the dirt Madamas Road, where the footpath is wide, flat and gently sloping in some areas. On this journey, the explorer can view an abundance of plant life that stretches across the countryside.

At the gateway to the falls, there is a junction of two tributaries, where the river-path of the Sobo Falls merge with the path of Double River Falls which is located four miles east of the village. For those adventure-seekers desiring a lovely river swim before heading home, a short hike can take you to the Double River Waterfall nearby. The entrance to the Sobo Falls reveals a beautiful sixty-five feet waterfall which emanates as a single flow of approximately twenty-five feet in length and cascades off the limestone countryside to fall into a colourful shower mist. Sobo Waterfall is actually two waterfalls, where at the base, lies a shallow pool surrounded with evergreen flora. 

This beautiful landscape is one truly worth discovering! Wouldn't you agree?

05 July, 2016

Paria Falls

Positioned in the northern coastal village of Blanchisseuse, the Paria Falls is undoubtedly one of Trinidad's most popular eco-adventures. The Paria River, which flows down the forested slopes of the Northern Range, meets its final destination at the Paria Falls. This adventure begins with crossing the Spring Bridge, an old suspension bridge recently refurbished to accommodate pedestrian traffic, then up a dirt road that leads to a hiking trail. 

View from Turtle Rock
With an estimated two to three hours of moderate trekking and sightseeing on a wide, clear and fairly undulating trail, you arrive at Paria Bay's golden sandy beach, where you can soak in the magnificent coastal scenery near Turtle Rock. This fascinating seascape holds many attractions to the avid adventure seeker. The Caribbean Sea sweeps the 1.5 km silky smooth sandy beach to give an annual welcome to the Leather-back Turtles coming to nest ashore at night in the months of February to July. 

Arch called Cathedral Rock
On the bay's western side a captivating arch named Cathedral Rock formed due to coastal erosion sits spectacularly. On the bay's eastern side, there is a lovely bathing spot, where the river intersects. 
Alternative view of Cathedral Rock

The rock formations circling the bay provide a fitting area for relaxation and fishing. The greenery flourishes in this area, with many coconut trees littered across the beach. A fifteen-minutes walk from Paria Bay further on takes you to the beautiful Paria Falls

Paria Falls' Plunge Basin
Adventurers can swim in an expansive plunge basin with crystal, soothing waters, emanating from the plateau above and bask in nature's wonder. Experienced divers and swimmers can also dare to climb the landscape to the top of the falls and enjoy a ten-feet jump into the deep end of this majestic waterfall.

Paria Falls
This destination is a short walk away from the town of Brasso Seco (patois for 'Dry Branch'), which houses eleven waterfalls within its boundaries, including Sobo Falls. Brasso Seco, situated sixteen miles northeast of Arima, is a luxurious landscape, nestled in the remote valleys and mountains of the Northern Range. This haven is surrounded by some of the highest mountainous peaks like El Cerro Del Aripo (3085 feet) and Mount Bleu (1779 feet). 

Would this adventure trail pique your interest?

Geography update: 
An arch is a natural opening eroded from the face of a cliff by wave refraction, where the constant crashing of waves weakens the side of the headland causing it to disintegrate.

A bay is a body of water formed by a curved indentation of the shoreline (Water Encyclopedia, 2016)

04 July, 2016

Avocat Falls

A picturesque landscape, Avocat Falls, is located a short distance from the fishing village of Blanchisseuse on the northern coast of Trinidad (one hour from Port of Spain and half an hour from Maracas Beach). 

Rock Formation of Avocat Falls

This mesmerizing waterfall can be accessed, in approximately one hour's time, via the refurbished landmark of the old Spring Bridge, which was relocated from Manzanilla, Mayaro to Blanchisseuse in 1952. An alternative route is via Avocat Village, which is located two miles south of the Arima Blanchisseuse Road. 

Avocat Falls' Pristine Pool
The journey to Avocat Falls entails a steep trek to the ridge's top where the plush forestry shades the trail, to provide a cool walk to a gradual descent to the tributary that connects to the Marianne River. Enjoy the ambiance of this fifty-foot high waterfall that flows into its pristine pool. Huge boulder formations encircle the base of the waterfall and add brilliance to the scenery. Embark on a thrilling experience at the top of the falls where a pool and a natural Jacuzzi rest. 

On the return, the adventurer has the option to follow the river downstream for an exciting adventure at Three Pools or return via the same route.

Various forest trails stem from the Spring Bridge, as a coastal walk from this point can take you to the destination of Paria Bay in two hours.

So, what is your memorable moment of this majestic landscape?

Three Pools

Located in Trinidad's northern seaside village of Blanchisseuse (the french translation for "Ladies River"), the area known as Three Pools is a popular mini hiking destination. With its beginnings at the Blanchisseuse's Spring Bridge, one mile away, this trek's duration is 40 to 50 minutes long. This natural landscape is made up of three consecutive plunge pools, in which one flows into the next. Hence the name, Three Pools

On route to Three Pools
Along the winding wet and muddy trail there is lush forestry with mossy cacao and citrus trees. Upon reaching the first pool, not so experienced swimmers can enjoy in the shallower waters and the relaxing atmosphere by the natural poolside, emanating from the Marianne River, which plunges from a broad plateau over a steep escarpment to the create three basins. Who wouldn't enjoy a relaxing afternoon by nature's poolside?

Expert divers and swimmers can experience the natural water-slide formation that sits between the first and second pools and indulge in the approximate fifteen to twenty-feet adventurous jump off the rock formations above the third pool and test the cool waters. 

Adventurers, although making this plunge can be tremendous fun and excitement, please beware diving from the rocks at the top of the pool can be dangerous so ensure before you decide to jump that the pool is full enough, as the effects of some dry seasons can decrease water levels considerately.

On reaching the first pool
Other close recreational spots include the Avocat Falls situated further upstream from Three Pools and the Maracas Falls which is a half hour drive, west from Blanchisseuse. 

Geography update: A plunge pool or plunge basin is an depression formed at the base of a waterfall by the force of erosion of the falling water and rocks (Marshak, 2009).

Marshak, S. 2009, Essentials of Geology, W.W. Norton & Company, 3rd ed.

Source: The author

Backyard Adventures

In the tropical twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago chances are there's an adventure awaiting in every person's backyard and what better way to delve into adventure seeking than to begin with your very own backyard.

Even the smallest 'Trini' adventure seeker has at some point explored his or her surroundings.

Yard Fowls in their element
Backyard reared Chickens also called 'Yard Fowls' or 'Common Fowls' in Trinidad and Tobago are a great organic source of protein.
Birds resting
Eggs from these organic chicken are also the healthiest eggs to be consumed containing essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals needed to keep you healthy. 

Iguana Incognito
This was an unexpected discovery. This lovely green creature was found trying to blend in. Iguana is a genus of omnivorous lizards native to tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, South America, and especially the Caribbean. Who knew iguanas loved home-garden chives?

Coconut Tree