TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

26 July, 2016

Twin Rivers Waterfall

The source of the splendid Twin Rivers Waterfall originates from the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The Twin Rivers Waterfall is located at the confluence of two tributaries, the Great River and the Goldsborough River, which is on the East Coast between the villages of Goodwood and Pembroke. Hence, the name Twin Rivers. The hike to Twin Rivers Waterfall begins on Cow Farm Road, which turns left after Goodwood high school before the bridge, next to the Rainbow Nature Resorts, where vehicles can be parked. There is the option to visit Rainbow Waterfall, a shorter hike with a small fee attached. Hiking upstream to the Twin Rivers Waterfall along the stony Goldsborough river bed will take approximately forty minutes.  

The journey to the top of the falls begins at the junction, where the two rivers join on the steep and challenging trail, which is not recommended for the inexperienced hiker. The river is wide and shallow and the walk continues for the most part on gravel and small rocks, forming an easy walkway. Taking the tributary on the right, the valley closes in with more varied vegetation. At this point, the slippery rocks seem to slow you down, while testing your balance. Around the river's sharp turn, the magnificent falls stand welcoming. 

The falls in its entirety is very high but is broken into a series of smaller falls. The landscape's natural staircase of the falls makes it unique and tempting to explore the secret pools and waterfalls located at the top of the watercourse. Below rests a deep cool pool offering fun and entertainment for those who venture in. Take time here to enjoy the scenery, the sun and the tropical rain-forest all around. It's a hiker's delight splashing and swimming in the crystal-clear waters of this seemingly unexplored land. For those adrenaline junkies, climbing the rocks around the pools should supply that rush. 

Return via the same route down the river. Be sure to use the track and take the right turn at the huge Samaan trees to get back to the river and thereafter the parking area. For the bold explorer, there is one deviation from the outward journey, an opportunity to swim Tobago’s own gorge. Continuing along the river past the track entered on, the river narrows and passes between high rocks with a channel of some six feet in width. The river here is deep and has to be swum. (Non-swimmers beware as this route may not be for you). A short distance away is one of Tobago's beautiful gorges.

Certainly an indelible trip!!!!

Fun Fact: Over 230 species of birds, 25 of which are known only to Tobago, making it one of the best places to view birds in the Caribbean. 


  1. Replies
    1. Tours can be facilitated at a small fee. Glad to see your interest. Tobago is one of the most exciting islands to explore!
