TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

05 July, 2016

Paria Falls

Positioned in the northern coastal village of Blanchisseuse, the Paria Falls is undoubtedly one of Trinidad's most popular eco-adventures. The Paria River, which flows down the forested slopes of the Northern Range, meets its final destination at the Paria Falls. This adventure begins with crossing the Spring Bridge, an old suspension bridge recently refurbished to accommodate pedestrian traffic, then up a dirt road that leads to a hiking trail. 

View from Turtle Rock
With an estimated two to three hours of moderate trekking and sightseeing on a wide, clear and fairly undulating trail, you arrive at Paria Bay's golden sandy beach, where you can soak in the magnificent coastal scenery near Turtle Rock. This fascinating seascape holds many attractions to the avid adventure seeker. The Caribbean Sea sweeps the 1.5 km silky smooth sandy beach to give an annual welcome to the Leather-back Turtles coming to nest ashore at night in the months of February to July. 

Arch called Cathedral Rock
On the bay's western side a captivating arch named Cathedral Rock formed due to coastal erosion sits spectacularly. On the bay's eastern side, there is a lovely bathing spot, where the river intersects. 
Alternative view of Cathedral Rock

The rock formations circling the bay provide a fitting area for relaxation and fishing. The greenery flourishes in this area, with many coconut trees littered across the beach. A fifteen-minutes walk from Paria Bay further on takes you to the beautiful Paria Falls

Paria Falls' Plunge Basin
Adventurers can swim in an expansive plunge basin with crystal, soothing waters, emanating from the plateau above and bask in nature's wonder. Experienced divers and swimmers can also dare to climb the landscape to the top of the falls and enjoy a ten-feet jump into the deep end of this majestic waterfall.

Paria Falls
This destination is a short walk away from the town of Brasso Seco (patois for 'Dry Branch'), which houses eleven waterfalls within its boundaries, including Sobo Falls. Brasso Seco, situated sixteen miles northeast of Arima, is a luxurious landscape, nestled in the remote valleys and mountains of the Northern Range. This haven is surrounded by some of the highest mountainous peaks like El Cerro Del Aripo (3085 feet) and Mount Bleu (1779 feet). 

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Geography update: 
An arch is a natural opening eroded from the face of a cliff by wave refraction, where the constant crashing of waves weakens the side of the headland causing it to disintegrate.

A bay is a body of water formed by a curved indentation of the shoreline (Water Encyclopedia, 2016)


  1. These are beautiful views of our treasured lovely. Thanks for sharing

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