TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

04 July, 2016

Avocat Falls

A picturesque landscape, Avocat Falls, is located a short distance from the fishing village of Blanchisseuse on the northern coast of Trinidad (one hour from Port of Spain and half an hour from Maracas Beach). 

Rock Formation of Avocat Falls

This mesmerizing waterfall can be accessed, in approximately one hour's time, via the refurbished landmark of the old Spring Bridge, which was relocated from Manzanilla, Mayaro to Blanchisseuse in 1952. An alternative route is via Avocat Village, which is located two miles south of the Arima Blanchisseuse Road. 

Avocat Falls' Pristine Pool
The journey to Avocat Falls entails a steep trek to the ridge's top where the plush forestry shades the trail, to provide a cool walk to a gradual descent to the tributary that connects to the Marianne River. Enjoy the ambiance of this fifty-foot high waterfall that flows into its pristine pool. Huge boulder formations encircle the base of the waterfall and add brilliance to the scenery. Embark on a thrilling experience at the top of the falls where a pool and a natural Jacuzzi rest. 

On the return, the adventurer has the option to follow the river downstream for an exciting adventure at Three Pools or return via the same route.

Various forest trails stem from the Spring Bridge, as a coastal walk from this point can take you to the destination of Paria Bay in two hours.

So, what is your memorable moment of this majestic landscape?


  1. Looking good for this hot weather!

  2. Looking good for this hot weather!

    1. Of course...proven to be absolutely refreshing!
