TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

04 August, 2016

Balandra Basins

Balandra is a Spanish word for sloop, which historically is a small square-rigged sailing warship with two or three masts. This area with its tranquil waters would have naturally provided a safe location for early Spanish settlers.

A place with a lot to discover, Balandra is situated on Trinidad's northeastern coast between Salybia and Rampanalgas, about midway on the Toco Main Road. Sheltered from the rough waters of the Atlantic, the calm bay is a favorite of sea-bathers. The natural resources of the rich landscape allow the residents to capitalize on agriculture, fishing and beaches. 

Through the predominant Mora forest situated opposite to the Bay, the network of multiple trails leads to captivating rivers and waterfalls. These pathways extend all the way to Rio Seco Falls and surrounding villages.

Starting at Alcindor Trace, the 1 hour trek 2 km into the forest will take you to the river and secluded along its course are the Balandra Basins. The trail descends to the river, crossing it, then rises to the top of the hill and along the way the boisterous bell bird can be heard echoing through the forest. 

A short walk leads to the first basin located at the end of the gorge, which is broad and shallow and ideal for non-swimmers. Its breath-taking waters appear bright green in the tree-filtered sunlight. Further downstream, the second pool contains a deep hollow basin, with an abundance of crayfish hiding among the rocks. The boulders along the bed provide a comfortable spot to sit and revel in the serene surroundings. 

The Balandra Forest has a network of intricate trails that nature-lovers will find fascinating, and can arrive at the basins via Rio Seco (three hours), Tabateau Trace (one and a half hours) and Alcindor Trace (one hour). 

Enjoy the remarkable atmosphere on this magical trail that leads to not one but two incredible pools. and cross streams that leads to a lush and welcoming forest. This nature trail is truly an incredible adventure!

Historical Fact: Loggers created some of these trails (partly through the Mora forest) in the 1960’s


  1. this basin is a must visit atleast once in your life

  2. The wonders of T&T, great place to visit with friends and family

  3. I remember this trail. It was a beautiful experience. It is a must do trail at least once.

  4. I remember this trail. It was a beautiful experience. It is a must do trail at least once.

  5. Here i come its been a while since I have gone there but ill be going tomorrow please the lord
