TnT Adventure Trails is a blog that delves into the adventures of exploring the beauty of the vast nature trails of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. These write-ups give the reader descriptions and insights into the experiences of others who have embarked on these fun-filled outdoor adventures.

04 August, 2016

Sambasson and Lalaja Falls

Beginning the journey
La Laja is a small farming settlement located in the hills, ten kilometres east from Arima on the Arima-Blanchisseuse Road. The name comes from Spanish origin which means “the slab.” The Guanapo River and Gorge flow deep down in the valley with the source originating from the foothills of El Cerro Del Aripo. Distant in the forest, on the eastern outskirts there are a series of cascades the two most popular are Sambasson and La Laja.
These falls can be access from two directions. The first is from The Heights of Guanapo Valley situated on the southern end and the trek from the river is a steep ascent. 

Snake on the trail
The preferred and easier route is from La Laja and the walk through the seasonal, evergreen woodland is mostly flat and will take 1 ½ hours to reach the destination. 

Climbing the falls
Along the way, there is a diversion from the main path to a smaller one on the left. This route continues for a further thirty minutes to the accessible Sambasson Falls, however concealed at higher levels are a set of cascades that include the sensational La Laja Falls. 

Falls from a different angle
The falls from below
Exploring the upper rapids is optional since it can be challenging and requires some experience of the terrain. During the months of July and August most prominent on the trail is the national flower of Trinidad and Tobago the Chaconia ( warzewiczia Coccinea) with its brilliant scarlet petals.

Falls up close
For those wishing for an extra challenge, there is an option to do the expedition as a circuit and return in the other direction towards the river followed by a steep ascent through a citrus orchid.


  1. Very breath taking views of our sweet n lush trinbago.A waterfall u would never have guessed existed

  2. Very breath taking views of our sweet n lush trinbago.A waterfall u would never have guessed existed

  3. Simply beautiful. My sweet Trinidad has so much untouched beauty

  4. my sweet country how i love it nature

  5. my sweet country how i love it nature

  6. Oh how I miss hiking...will be getting back to these in September...Lovely photos and places to visit in Trinindad!
